Field of Study:
International Relations
Home Institution in the U.S.:
George Washington University, Washington, DC
Host Institution in India:
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Start Date/Month in India:
August 2024
Duration of Grant:
Nine months
Lalitha Shanmugasundaram
Lalitha Shanmugasundaram is a recent graduate from George Washington University (GW), where she majored in international affairs with concentrations in international development and environmental studies and a minor in mathematics. She was a member of the Elliott School Dean’s Scholars Program where she researched the intersection of gender and the environment by studying menstrual hygiene management in India. In addition to her independent research, she has worked for the Institute for International Economic Policy, The Breakthrough Institute, the Heinrich Boell Foundation, the Wilson Center, and GW Sustainability Institute, as an intern and research assistant. Her work spans across many dimensions of sustainability, including energy, food, and water. Outside of her research, Lalitha is an avid runner who competes in marathons.
Climate change has already begun affecting India, with the coastal state of Tamil Nadu experiencing drought, floods, and water scarcity. Previous research has shown that this water scarcity will not only impact the livelihoods of farmers, but also harm female sanitation needs and waste management, especially in the rural areas. With limited access to water, women in the rural and tribal areas may find it difficult to maintain proper menstrual hygiene and sanitation, leading to improper waste management. Without access to water, the core tenets of water justice also cannot be fulfilled, leading to environmental injustices. In her Fulbright-Nehru project, Lalitha is exploring how access or lack of access to water is creating issues in menstrual hygiene management and sanitation. She is also studying whether government schemes aimed at resolving sanitation and menstrual hygiene management issues are helping to alleviate some of the challenges brought on by water scarcity. Additionally, Lalitha is examining what the environmental justice repercussions are of government initiatives and water scarcity. She is also exploring the food–water–energy nexus and the impacts of climate change on this nexus through a feminist political ecology lens.