Field of Study:
Home Institution in the U.S.:
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Host Institution in India:
University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Start Date/Month in India:
September 2023
Duration of Grant:
Nine months
Medha Asthana
Medha Asthana (they/them/theirs) is currently pursuing a PhD in anthropology at Brandeis University where they study kinship and domestic spaces, intergenerational care, queerness, and gender in North India. Medha is an educator committed to inclusive higher education pedagogy and was recently chosen as a fellow with the MLA Institutes for Reading and Writing Pedagogy at Access-Oriented Institutions. Beyond their academic research, Medha is committed to publicly engaged work with grass-roots community organizations. They also hold a BA (honors, cum laude) in anthropology and a BA in business administration from the University of California, Irvine.
Medha’s Fulbright-Nehru project is studying the role of the family and the domestic space as constitutive of queer identity and belonging, especially for queer individuals socialized as daughters. They are examining daily relations between queer daughters (which includes cisgender women, non-binary people, and transgender men) and their mothers and other female kin in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh; this involves topics of gendered expectations, narratives of care, and negotiations of power.